Monday, May 25, 2009

13 Chuck Bass Quotes

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  • "Have sex with me."

    -Chuck gets straight to the point with Blair.

  • "I'm honoured to be playing even a small role in your deflowering."

    -Chuck perhaps showing his psychic abilities to Blair in "The Wild Brunch".

  • Blair: Isn't there someone else you can torture?
    Chuck: Probably. But I choose you.

    -Chuck should get that on a Valentine's Day card, from "School Lies".

  • Serena: Okay let's get one thing straight. Our parents might be insisting on blending our households but I am not your sister. I do not share any of your DNA, nor do I ever wish to.
    Chuck: Then I suggest you get new hand towels.

    -Chuck, the perfect brother, from "The Blair Bitch Project".

  • Lily: (to Serena) Don't leave your dirty package on the table.
    Chuck: If I had a nickel for every time I heard that.

    -Chuck would be even richer, from "The Blair Bitch Project".

  • Blair: Don't worry; I can be a bitch enough for both of us.
    Chuck: I still got the scars on my back to prove it.

    -Chuck probably doesn't mind having those scars, from "Much I Do About Nothing".

  • Dan: You should put a bell on.
    Chuck: Kinky. I'll think about it.

    -If you like it then you should've put a bell on it, from "The Ex Files".

  • "Smells like desperation."

    -Chuck demonstrates his grunge music knowledge to Blair in "Pret-A-Poor-J".

  • "If you're talking about the dress, I say higher."

    -Chuck offers his fashion advice to Serena in "The Magnificent Archibalds".

  • "If you needed to mark your territory so badly, Nathaniel, maybe you should just pee on her."

    -Maybe Chuck's advice isn't so good, from "Southern Gentlemen Prefer Blondes".

  • "I gave you a shot, and while your efforts were admirable ... I'm bored. You ruined my pants."

    -Chuck's pants are not a game, Blair, from "Pret-A-Poor-J".

  • Chuck: I'm gonna have to tell my parents the hotel they just bought is serving minors.
    Serena: And if you order a drink, they're also serving pigs.
    Chuck: I love it when you talk dirty.

    Serena: You just love it when a girl talks to you.

    Chuck: Actually I prefer them when they're not talking.

    Serena: Ah, I've missed your witty banter.

    Chuck: So, let's catch up...take our clothes off...stare at each other.

    -Chuck and Serena catch up in the Pilot.

  • "I'm Chuck Bass."

    -Because a list of Chuck Bass quotes simply wouldn't be complete without it.

PS: Thanks to the recent season two season finale of Gossip Girl, this week is officially Gossip Girl Week! Expect more GG-related articles soon!


Laura said...

Um, yes.
I can't believe I wasted about 5 minutes of my life reading those quotes. :|.

Oh, never mind. I probably would have wasted them anyway. *begins reading Girlfriend Fiction book*

Miri said...

Um, that five minutes was not wasted.
What if you were in a terrorist hostage situation and the terrorist was a big Gossip Girl fan? YOU COULD TOTALLY WIGGLE YOUR WAY OUT OF THAT ONE WITH YOUR KNOWLEGE OF CHUCK BASS QUOTES, BROUGHT TO YOU BY MOI!